On Max Yasgur’s Farm

By the time I got to Woodstock
there was nothing left
but a muddy field
littered with cardboard
a few bits of clothing
and the feeling that something had changed.


How many dirty blankets left this place?
How many spirits left cleaner
than when they arrived?
How many times were simple smiles
while the land was
by a country
of doubt
of greed
of hate
and decay…


By the time I got to Woodstock
the feeling that everything
was on the brink
of opening up (to the natural
world of people loving people
because they were people)-
that feeling was
already fading…


But as I stood
in a muddy field
I began catching glimpses
of it’s return.


As I stood
in a muddy field
The sun rising
to remind me that


great things can
still rise
to replace
the darkness.

only love.

The universe
is filled with
vast regions
of cold
and empty

And it astonishes me
that two people should be able to
reach through the cold, dark spaces
and truly touch one another.
That they could find their other
reach out and embrace.

The kind of embrace that sends
waves of heat out from one body
and through the being of the other
heat that tells the heart to open-
fully open-
to the heart of the other.

When the heart opens completely
it liquifies,
and seeks out the hidden passage
between the two hearts.
Radiating heat, collapsing into
the other. Combining into the one.

The union expands,
absorbing the entire
world around them,
collapsing it into
A single grain of sand.
And their eyes

All of the cosmos is reflected
in the eyes – staring into the
universe, in the eyes of the other.
It is surrounded by the pure blackness
the eternal depth at the center.
Blackness that has such gravity
that not even time, or space
or even light can escape.

In this moment-
all time and space
and all thought of time
and space
cease to exist.
All is gone.
All is gained.
There is only the One –
there is only this single moment.

And in this moment
there are no labels-
there is no religion
no race
there is no age
and no gender.

There is only the One
only peace
only solace
there is only love.


Golden streaks of sunlight stream
into a monochrome life
through dusty window blinds.

Dust floating in the air,
show in the light
like fields of stars-
and I think of you.

I remember walking through
the park, looking beside
my smile at golden streaks

as the sunlight danced
in your hair, beaming
through overhead branches
of old walnut trees.

I pour my coffee and
wonder if you’re awake,
if the sun has risen there yet.

I wonder if the light
is dancing in the clouds
swirling in your coffee,
making your soft smile glow.

Stirring in sugar
I wonder why you haven’t called.
But I know you’re busy…

With all the details of
flowers and dresses and
seating charts. I’m sure
you’ll make a beautiful bride.

I’ll sit here, in the morning light,
with my coffee and remember
your smile and the sun in your hair.

I’ll sit here, in the morning light,
with my memories and smile-
because I knew the heart on the other
side of the world, that makes the sun smile