Conscious Eating

“Conscious Eating is the awareness of how the food we
eat affects our body, emotions, mind, and spiritual life.
It is understanding how what we eat directly affects the
planetary ecology and the degree of peace we have with
the human and animal life on this planet…”
– Dr. Gabriel Cousens

The more I learn about our industrialized food system in the U.S. and the more I learn about the benefits of a vegetarian and vegan diet, the more quotes like this I come across. This idea seems so rational compared to the barbaric and wasteful food consumption system so many of us have grown up with.

Conscious Eating, what a wonderful term. I think if more people ate consciously, a WHOLE lot of our current problems would sort themselves out. If our minds and bodies weren’t sluggish masses of stored high fructose corn syrup and grease, maybe we would have the energy and the creativity to solve some parts of our (seemingly) impossible situation – crime, disease, climate and ecological disaster, etc, etc.

Instead of mindlessly filling our mouths with greasy, fat filled, vitamin and nutrient deficient convenience food while giving the two hundred click stare at the blue flickering television, sitting as a typical american family, side by side on the couch… maybe we could sit around a table, seeing each other and eating food that is alive with all the things our bodies and minds need to fully realize their potential. And we could eat and look at each other, and … smile.

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