
“Here, just stand here and be quiet.” she covered her lips with her index finger to say ‘shhh’, “I’ll come and get you when he’s gone”

She ushers me into the small closet in the kitchen, gently closing the faux walnut, accordion doors. It was dark, but lines of light fell onto my Incredible Hulk slippers. It was dark, but the orange-yellow light from the kitchen falling on my feet kept me company, kept me safe.

I could hear voices down the hall. I couldn’t make out any words, just muffled tones – one low, one higher – back and forth behind doors. I looked down at my slippers and smiled. It was warm behind the walnut brown doors. It was calm above the slivers of light coming in through the slats.

A loud scream, a dark word howled, a metal creak and a large car door slamming. Engine on, tires kicking up dirt and gravel on their way towards the highway. The doors opened and I was covered in light.

Wringing nervous hands in her apron, “Come on, go wash your hands for dinner”

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