

a life spent trying
to avoid the ripples
of living,
desperately searching out
calm paths between
calm waters

life spent away from
the wind, away from
the sun,
away from
the others.

i wish i had let
the wind blow over me-
the sun warm my face-
others to touch me…

perhaps then i could
something more.

perhaps then i could
really feel alive…

Springfield Cemetery In Fog

Clinton, Iowa.


the dark and gnarled branches

Path to the Old Tree and the last of its leaves trying in vein to hold on to the past

Reaching out into the cold light of morning.

Laying in wait…

the stone sentinel wet with the breath of morning.

Metal cold holding back the past

the glow of light in the fog clenching the brittle remnants of sunshine

the cold house of lives forgotten

the path

the end…