On Max Yasgur’s Farm

By the time I got to Woodstock
there was nothing left
but a muddy field
littered with cardboard
a few bits of clothing
and the feeling that something had changed.


How many dirty blankets left this place?
How many spirits left cleaner
than when they arrived?
How many times were simple smiles
while the land was
by a country
of doubt
of greed
of hate
and decay…


By the time I got to Woodstock
the feeling that everything
was on the brink
of opening up (to the natural
world of people loving people
because they were people)-
that feeling was
already fading…


But as I stood
in a muddy field
I began catching glimpses
of it’s return.


As I stood
in a muddy field
The sun rising
to remind me that


great things can
still rise
to replace
the darkness.